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Frequently Asked Questions

Trusting your pet with a stranger is never an easy decision, and I’m sure you have a lot of questions about how it works. I’ve compiled some of the most common questions into the list below.

If you want further information, just get in touch

Q. What areas do you cover?

A. You will find us walking in: Forest Town, Clipstone, Berry Hill, Mansfield.

Q. How do I book and pay?

A. You can book in via text message if you are ad hoc or choose set days when starting with the choice of bank transfer or direct debit. 

Q. Do you let dogs off the lead?

A.  With your permission dogs are let off lead where it is safe or on a long line where needed. Dogs who are not listening will be put back on lead.

Q. How will my dog(s) be transported to and from walks?

A. In a dedicated dog van with 4 double entrance crates to ensure safety during transport, and to allow each dog to have their own space and water bowl to travel comfortably while in our care.


The side door gives access to a larger secure partition for those nervous of confined spaces or larger breeds.

Q. What happens in the event of an emergency?

A. In the event of an emergency all owners will be notified straight away and appropriate action taken. This may mean taking your dog to your nominated vet or depending on the location of the walk and factors of the incident, the closest vet possible.


I am Canine First Aid trained to be able to treat at the scene before transporting to the vets if and when necessary.

Q. Do you walk females in heat?

A. No we do not. We instead opt for home and garden play during this time

Q. What if my dog doesn't get on with others on your group walk?

A. We will always do our best to match up personalities and play styles and all introductions will be carried out in a safe manner. However, if your dog does not get on with others we will communicate back to you on what will best suit your dog's needs as we want every dog to enjoy their walks 

Q. In the event my dog becomes separated from you, what actions will you take?

A. We always add an emergency pet tag to their collar/harness with our details and notify you if they are gone longer than ten minutes. Just as with our own dogs if they got lost every effort possible will go into finding them as soon as possible. Lost dog protocol is activated after 15 minutes.

Q. What about my home? 

A. Boot covers are always worn when muddy before entering your property and your dog will receive a complimentary paw wash and towel dried if needed.


If you have an outside hosepipe I am more than happy to give a quick rinse off in the muddier conditions and for those who have a hound who loves to roll in something yucky!


Please ensure all doors are closed to areas of your home that are not "dog proof" as your hound will inevitably be mucky and/or smelly upon return after having plenty of fun

Q. Do you work evenings or weekends?

A. If you are a regular customer then we will do our best to accommodate any requests although there will be an additional £8 charge to reflect this.


With this being an extremely physical job we have to do our best to avoid injuries and burnout!

Q. Do you board dogs?

A. Unfortunately at present we cannot board dogs.


Q. Who can you recommend for other dog related services?

A. For those looking for Canine services that I cannot or do not provide, I can recommend the following:







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